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Surrogacy in North & South America 🇦🇷🇨🇦🇲🇽🇺🇸

Webinar hosted by Growing Families

Saturday, May 11, 2024

9.00am Pacific Daylight Time (Eg LA)
11.00am Central Daylight time (eg Chicago)
12.00midday Eastern Daylight Time (eg NY)
5.00pm British Summer time (eg UK)
6.00pm Central European Summer Time (eg France)

Learn how to plan a safe journey to parenthood.

This online event features global experts and parents who have completed their family through surrogacy or egg donation in the USA, Canada, Mexico, and Argentina.  

Tickets are $15 for a 2-hour event, you can join live or receive the recordings. 

Information and to book visit:

In collaboration with @gays_with_kids
#Surrogacy #Egg Donation #Fertility 

Event Program and Tickets

Surrogacy in North & South America 

Articles mentioning MRKH and/or BYMRKH

We are honored to announce that Online College.org (www.onlinecollege.org) has declared the Beautiful You MRKH Foundation, Inc. one of the top 20 successful nonprofits started by students!  Congratulations to Christina Ruth and the entire BYMRKH organization on this honor.  http://www.onlinecollege.org/2012/10/21/20-successful-nonprofits-started-students/

Dr. Quint talks about support for women with MRKH  http://uofmhealthblogs.org/4843/support-for-women-with-mrkh/

Wyandotte's Miss Michigan, Jaclyn Schultz, is named the spokeswoman for the Beautiful You MRKH Foundation

Miss Michigan, Jaclyn Schultz, talks about life without a uterus. (Article and video with US News and World Report)

Miss Michigan, Jaclyn Schultz, shines spotlight on MRKH: (Article and video with Channel 7 news)   

Co-founder, Christina Ruth, opens up about having MRKH; hoping to take away the shame and isolation for women with MRKH.

Co-founder, Christina Ruth, celebrates her birthday by raising awareness and donations for the Beautiful You MRKH Foundation. http://www.hcpress.com/things-to-know/asu-student-creates-co-founds-nonprofit-organization-beautiful-you-mrkh-foundation-to-launch-oct-9.html

From the Huffington Post
Egg Freezing No Longer 'Experimental,' But Don't Delay Conceiving, Physician Group Says

Sara Ruth raises over $1100 for BYMRKH

100 for BYMRKH by running her first 1/2 marathon! Thank you to everyone who made generous donations to her cause. This funding will allow Christina and Amy to travel to MRKH Day on May 11th in Ann Arbor, MI, and help underwrite the get together following the workshop, where we can mingle and relax socially. Check out her interview on our blog, The Empowerment of the Silent Sisterhood.  

BYMRKH in the News

Ricki Lewis Interviews Amy Lossie for her blog: DNA Science Blog:

Genetics in context on using artificial vaginas for creating a neovagina​

I’m old enough to remember textbooks and biology classes that defined being female as a “default option” in human development.

If the ambiguous sex organ precursors in an embryo “failed” to follow the coveted male route, we became female.

If the SRY gene “failed” to turn on, we became she.

I’d always thought this male-centric teaching of human sexual development disturbingly close to Genesis: “The Lord God fashioned into a woman the rib which He had taken from the man. The man said, ‘This is now bone of my bones And flesh of my flesh; She shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man.’”

Lost in the discussion was the paradox of the puny Y chromosome and its meager roster of genes compared to the X. So I was happy when discovery of the Wnt gene pathway to femaleness finally came along and validated my existence, beginning the elucidation of the complex gene cascades that sculpt a female reproductive tract.
